One of the major challenges of Retail operations is maintaining the standard of quality of customer service. The Hidden Client allows a complete and unbiased evaluation of the service by a specialized professional, which analyzes the main points of attention and quality pretending to be a regular consumer. Our services ensure a better identification by our clients of the points that need improvement in the operation and that impact, both positively and negatively, the experience of the consumers.


  • We evaluate the entire experience in the establishment, by assessing: service, physical facilities, disposition of Marketing and Campaign material, cleaning and any other point of interest to the client’s business;
  • Our services guarantee the quality of services in general and customer service, directly impacting consumers’ perception of the business;
  • Our assessments allow a better analysis of the business’s sensitive points, making it easier to make decisions about the measures to be taken to adjust the operation;
  • We work with face-to-face, telephone and Internet surveys, assessing all the aspects of the operation;
  • We have offices and specialized professionals throughout Brazil, with experience and capillarity to serve the most varied industries that work with points of sale.


Hidden client
Point of sale quality assessment